ACI Masonry Field Technician Exam
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Event Description
The one hour written examination is closed-book and consists of approximately 60 multiple-choice questions. There are 8 to 12 questions on each of the standards. To pass the written examination, students must receive at least 60% on each of the required test methods and practices AND a minimum score of 70% overall.
The performance examination is closed-book and requires actual demonstration of the select field procedures. The examinee is judged on his/her ability to correctly perform or describe (where allowed) all of the required steps for each procedure.
Questions? Contact Darla at or call (615) 360-7393
2023 Retest Exam Dates
Feb. 28 – Louisville, TN
March 21 – Louisville, TN
April 13 – Nashville, TN
May 18, 2023 - Nashville, TN - Full Exam
Prep to Pass Your ACI Certification
The Concrete Career Academy is an education coalition of state concrete associations from the Carolinas, Kentucky, and Tennessee. The primary function of the academy is to enhance and advance the careers of all who work in the concrete industry. Prep for ACI and NRMCA certifications and more.