What is it?
An all new way to gamify driver performance, powered by Rocket Start. Every TCA Member Company gets FIVE DRIVERS to enter in this statewide game, at no cost. 

How does it work?
Every week, you will give your drivers badges based on how they performed. There are badges for everything – having a squeaky clean truck, accident free miles, working past 6pm... you name it, there's a badge for it! Each badge has a certain point value, and those points help place your drivers on the statewide leaderboard. 

Why should my company play?
To see how your drivers stand against Tennessee's Ready Mix Drivers. Every month, top drivers in the game will also receive prizes and gift cards. Plus, the top (5) drivers in the game from the 2024 year will be invited to TCA's 2025 Annual Convention for two days and will receive a complimentary registration. 

How to get started:

  1. Email Alan Sparkman at asparkman@tnconcrete.org to get your (5) drivers signed up for free. 
  2. Create your free account with Rocket Start. Watch this video to learn more about the platform and how to assign badges to your drivers. 
  3. Have your drivers download the Rocket Start app to see where they stand on the statewide leaderboard. 
  4. At the end of every week, take 5 minutes to upload your drivers' updated credentials and stats from that week and assign badges based on performance.  
  5. Regularly check TCA's socials and emails to see where your drivers stand. If they reach the top, they will receive special gift cards and prizes from TCA!

Apple users: download the app here
Android users: download the app here