Decorative Concrete Flatwork Finisher & Associate

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Event Description

A Decorative Concrete Flatwork Finisher is a craftsman who has demonstrated knowledge about and the ability to place, finish, cure, and protect decorative concrete flatwork.

A Decorative Concrete Flatwork Associate is a person who is knowledgeable about proper procedures to place, finish, cure, and protect decorative concrete flatwork, but who lacks sufficient work experience to qualify as a Decorative Concrete Flatwork Finisher.

The two-hour written examination is closed-book and consists of approximately 50 multiple-choice questions. The passing grade for the written examination is 70%.



2023 Exam Dates

Sept. 14 - Nashville,TN

Nov. 16 - Nashville,TN

Dec. 14 - Nashville,TN


Additional Information

Decorative Concrete Flatwork Associate: ACI will grant certification to those examinees who obtain a passing grade on the written examination AND:

  • Are currently certified as an ACI Concrete Flatwork Associate


Individuals with Decorative Concrete Flatwork Associate certification can upgrade to full Decorative Concrete Flatwork Finisher status upon submittal and approval of sufficient work experience and satisfying prerequisite certification.

Questions? Contact Darla at or call (615) 360-7393




Prep to Pass Your ACI Certification

The Concrete Career Academy is an education coalition of state concrete associations from the Carolinas, Kentucky, and Tennessee. The primary function of the academy is to enhance and advance the careers of all who work in the concrete industry. Prep for ACI and NRMCA certifications and more.


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